Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Bags and Mo' Bags

Backpacks, carry-ons, satchels, fanny packs; what do all these things have in common? They're bags, idiot. You didn't know that. They hold shit. Bigger bags hold more shit than smaller bags. That's simple physics. When it comes to Everyday Carry, bags can be essential, depending on how much you want to take with you.

Many people use bags. Students and professionals alike takes bags with them because they have stuff, and they need that stuff. So even if you are not a student or a professional, you won't look out of place if you're walking down the street with a bag. I believe that the best casual but stylish bag is a simple satchel. Sure, people will call it a man purse, but they're small and have a low profile.

Always remember, if you have a backpack, one-strap that thing. Two-strapping is for losers. This is about all I have to say about bags for now. Bags hold your EDC well.

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